Bed Unit/Nurse Call Unit

Nurse Call Bed Unit is a micro controller based wall mountable compact unit. Unit will have CALL, ACKNOWLEDGE, RESET and CODE BLUE (EMERGENCY) feather touch switches. It will be located adjacent to the patient’s Bed. The unit comprises of wall mounting unit and optional Hand held unit. Unit will also have POWER ON, CALL STATUS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATUS LED indications.


  • Model: HEI NCBU 806
  • Make: HEI
  • Type: Wall mounting type
  • Input Power Supply: 12V DC Supply from Power Supply module
  • Operating Voltage: 5V DC
  • Current Consumption: 65 mA during idle condition. 150 mA during working condition
  • Controls: Feather Touch Keys for Call, Reset, code blue
  • Color: Mushroom White
  • Weight: 350gms
  • Dimensions of Face Plate: 100mmW x 85mmH x 10mmD
  • Front Assembly fixing: Screwed to back box thr’ screws supplied with face plate
  • Communication with Nurse Station: Through RS 485 Data lines & Balanced Audio lines
  • Connectivity – Power: 2 Pin terminal blocks
  • Connectivity – Data: 3 Pin terminal blocks
  • Address Settings: Address of call units: Dip Settings

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